Ideas for Living Room Wall Decoration

When it comes to decorating the living room, decorating its walls holds primary value. The wall decoration of a living room may be based on inspiration from the color of carpeting, color of other walls or the overall design theme. The wall decoration may be contemporary or in a country style. Whatever style you may choose, wall decoration holds special value in the living room décor.

Let’s start with the scenario in which you didn’t design the walls. Those plain white walls offer addition of design elements which can surely do the job to make the wall decoration complete. Start with the family photos. Aesthetically framed photos can give your plain walls a great look. If you do not want to hammer the nails to hand these wall decoration pieces, you can use powerful adhesives to attach the decorations. In this case, you will have to make sure that the frames you are using are lighter in weight.

Candles, mirrors, floral wreaths, clocks, baskets, bookshelves and decorative arts are features that can make a plain wall something to great to look at. Another feature which is becoming highly popular among many homeowners is the water running fountain that can be attached with the wall. A running water fountain doesn’t only create a great visual but it also gives a tranquil sound of running water, making the feature a great addition to the living room. Since this feature is made of lightweight metal, it can be hung or attached to the walls without damaging the underlying studs.

Some people may like to decorate the walls in a bit vintage style. Appropriate features that can help in this regard include a copper framed mirror with the sconces on the sides to hold candles. You can put your vintage styled books on display by putting them in the bookshelf attached to the walls. Another way to decorate the walls is to add black-and-white photography.

While decorating the living room walls, the size of the room is also to taken into consideration. For instance, it would not be wise to stuff in too many features on a wall if its size is not that good.  However, you cannot the leave the walls bare if size of the walls is not that good. Decorative items that you can attach on the walls may include artworks, mirrors, family photos, candle holders, wide canvas paintings and hanging shelves.

If you are wondering about any specific rules regarding decorating the living room walls, there aren’t any. The only thing that works well in this scenario is mixing and matching different design elements to make a perfect match.
